There are many ways to explore design. We invite you on this journey for POSSIBILITIES! Enjoy our articles as an exploration of tips, tricks, and design stories from Sharon Gunther and the Fresh Design Group Team - encouraging you to take your home from nice to incredible!

So, How Exactly Do I Do Color?
One of the easiest ways to choose a color palette is to grab a bunch of fabric samples and play.
Stamp out Sameness: The Social Media Dilemma
The point is, don’t be afraid to do it: to be “unique.” You are uniquely wonderful. Let’s make your home a unique and wonderful reflection of you.
Counter Materials
Here’s my tip: If you’ve heard something and the info is not from someone with vast experience in stone, disregard it.

How To Avoid Marriage Disasters During Renos
I see two things lead to disharmony when issues arise: budget, and “wants.”

Keep What You Love and Change The Rest!
Under the rubric of design pitfalls, by far my biggest thorn is the “too much stuff” look.